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WBC Leagues

Willsborough Bowling Center has Dart and Bowling Leagues.


We currently have one team who participate in Valley Vending's Adirondack Dart Cricket League, which takes place on Monday evenings from October thru March.  Valley Vending's sign up deadline is early September.


Bowling leagues and teams allow you to meet fellow players, spend time with old friends and converse between turns.  Finding companionship through bowling leagues and teams can ease loneliness in the elderly and others who live alone, reducing stress and depression.  Social relationships around shared interests such as bowling can strengthen the heart muscles and increase longevity.  Besides being a fun and competitive game, bowling also offers you numerous health benefits.  Bowling helps you slim down by speeding up your metabolism.  Although the game is restricted to a small area, your constant movement while playing helps burn excess fat.  You're exercising your legs while walking back and forth between the lane and the scoring table, and working the rest of your body as you lift and swing the bowling ball down the lane.


We have 30 week Men's and Women's Bowling League scheduled on Wednesday's (Men) and Thursday's (Women).  These leagues run from Labor day week thru mid April.  Sign up deadline for these leagues are at the end of August.  Both Men's and Women's bowling leagues are always looking for additional teams, and bowlers who can substitute.


We have a senior travelling bowling team(s) from Willsboro Central School who participate in the MVAC Bowling League.


For those who do not want to commit to a 30 week bowling league, we run a 8 week mixed nine pin (no tap) bowling league scheduled on Monday evenings.  The nine pin league usually has three sessions; one in mid October, mid February, and mid June.


All bowling league scoring is done by WBC.  We have Steltronic scoring system, and BLS A/S from CDE Software.  All Bowling league standings are uploaded on a weekly basis, and can be seen on League Secretary's web site. 


Nothing Beats the personalized service you will receive from a smaller Bowling Center like us.


We are always looking to expand and create new leagues.  Please contact the center for more information, and view our WBC Upcoming Events & Announcements page.




Bowling Leagues and Dart Leagues Now Forming........


Current Leagues listed below.


Open to new Leagues Forming; Sanctioned and Non Sanctioned.


For your convenience, you can sign up for a league online.

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Travelling League Schedules (Click appropriate sport):


Valley Vending Southern Tier Darts


Willsboro Central School Varsity Bowling

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