Willsborough Bowling Center Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why bowl?
A: Bowling is fun and competitive at any age..... It's a life sport. There are individuals still bowling in their 70's. Sure other team sports are fun, but realistically how often do you play organized, competitive soccer or basketball after you are 30 years old? You do bowling..... individually or being a part of a team.
Strength, speed, and size are non-essential components of bowling, students who may be unable to compete on another playing field can find athletic success in bowling. As skills improve, students will experience a sense of accomplishment and enjoy the satisfaction of increased confidence for having mastered a new game, thus discovering the fun and excitement bowling has to offer.
Health and Wellness
The Bowler’s Ed curriculum actively engages students in a sufficient amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity to improve or maintain their physical health and well-being. The curriculum leads students through team-based cardiovascular activities requiring coordination, timing and concentration! Teachers benefit from a fully-developed curriculum, complete with rubrics, fundamentals, fitness activities and lesson plans.
Physical Health
Calorie Burning - A level of endurance is necessary for you to reduce fatigue during games and maintain form.
Muscle Building - Body strength is required for carrying the ball and hold body positions to correctly execute the skill.
Strong Bones - The bowling ball creates a weight bearing sport as upper body power is important in the 4-step approach and bowling delivery.
Hand & Eye Coordination - The dimensions of a bowling lane make it important to see the pins 60’ away and be able to properly release the ball at a point to successfully knock down pins without going in the gutter.
Balance and Coordination - Flexible & balance are associated with a much lower risk of muscle strains, sprains and pulls.
Social Health
New Friends - Bowling can help you make new friends. Approximately 2 million bowlers socialize and bowl together each week in leagues throughout America.
Family Bonding - Bowling is an inclusive lifetime sport bringing the family together in a fun & rewarding environment.
Lifetime Sport - Enjoyed by everyone from preschoolers to senior citizens and currently one of the fastest growing high school varsity sports.
Emotional Health
Stress Reliever - Social relationships around shared interests such as bowling can strengthen the heart muscles and increase longevity.
Performance Booster - As bowling becomes an important part of their life consequent benefits are recognized as self-renewal, greater productivity, more energy and reduction in health care costs
Q: Where are you located?
A: We are located at 3922 NYS Route 22 in Willsboro, New York in the Willsborough Business Center.
Q: Where can I park?
A: Parking Areas highlighted in Red.
Additional parking available directly across the street from WBC at Reynolds garage when garage is not open.
Q: How much does it cost to bowl?
A: Go to our Bowl/Rates/Hours menu to see our bowling rates.
Q: When are you open?
A: Go to our Bowl/Rates/Hours menu to see our Hours of Operation.
Q: Why are your hours reduced during the summer?
A: We cannot compete with the lake.
Q: What oil pattern are you using on the lanes?
A: Check our bulletin board in the locker area. We post the oil pattern we applied on the lanes.
Q: Do you reserve lanes?
A: No we do not reserve lanes for open play. As such, this is due to individuals and groups reserving lanes in the past and not showing up, or showing up late. Lanes are occupied on a first come, first serve basis.
Q: Do you serve food?
A: We have a snack vending machine and popcorn available. You can order food from one of our advertisers. Go to our food section, or click here
Q: Can I bring food and drinks into the Center?
A: Outside alcoholic drinks and soda are not permitted to be consumed in or on our premises. We will allow outside food, and encourage you to buy from one of our advertisers: Papa Duke's BBQ or Giuseppe's Pizza Shop. You will be permitted to bring cake and ice cream for a birthday party. We ask you to bring your own paper plates, napkins, and cutlery/utensils since we do not stock those items. We do not have refrigerator space for outside food you bring in.
Q: Do you have a pro shop?
A: We do not have a on site pro shop. We recommend three spots to visit. You can go to the pro shop at King Pins Alley in Glens Falls, Lucky Strike Lanes in Malone, or North Bowl Lanes in Plattsburgh. Mention to them that Willsborough Bowling Center sent you there. You can also check with us to see what bowling balls/shoes/supplies we can order through our distributors.
Q: Can I have a party when you are closed/Can I have a private party (closed to the public) when you are open?
A: Contact the Center. All depends on the circumstances and our availability. Parties must be reserved at least two weeks in advance, and $75 cash deposit for your reservation.
Q: How much does it cost to rent the Center?
A: It costs $200 per hour, minimum of 3 hours; which will give you 30 minutes set up and 30 minutes tear down/clean up time.
Q: Why do you require $75 cash deposit?
A: Due to party groups not having the funds to pay for their bowling fees and bar tab. As well, groups not showing up for their reservation. If your final invoice is below the deposit amount, we will refund you the difference. If your final invoice is over the deposit amount, we will charge you the difference. If you do not show up for your party or cancel with less than 48 hours notice, your deposit will be non-refundable.
Q: When I have my party at WBC, can I bring my own decorations?
A: Yes you can. If you are going to hang or affix any decorations, please bring and use scotch (or similar) tape. Staples, screws, pins, or other fasteners that cause damage or leave holes may not be used.
Q: Do you have gift certificates?
A: Yes, we have gift certificates available.
Q: Do you accept Credit Cards?
A: Yes, we do accept Credit Cards, Apple and Google Pay. We add a 3% surcharge on any transactions via Square. We also accept Cash and Champlain National Bank Checks. WBC charges a $50.00 surcharge on returned (NSF) Checks.
Q: Have you had anyone bowl a perfect game (300 game) at WBC?
A: Yes, Willsboro native Frank Cross bowled a perfect game October 9th, 1963 during open play. Lewis resident TJ Gay bowled a perfect game April 29th, 2023 during Men's League Bowling Banquet. AuSable resident Connor LaDuke bowled a perfect game January 3rd, 2024 during Men's League Bowling Match.
Q: What is Grand Prix game on your scoring system?
A: When using the “GRAND PRIX” game the bowlers on each lane will race against each other to reach the
finish line, preset by the user.
• The game is played in Open style on each lane.
• Each bowler throws one ball only (first ball, the pinsetter will reset after each ball is thrown).
• Score correction can only be made on the last ball thrown and only from the bowler console.
• When the first bowler reaches the finish line the other bowlers on the lane must throw the same
number of balls as he has in order for the game to end and the winner be announced.
Q: What Types of Physical Benefits Can Be Obtained From Bowling?
A: Bowling has one of the longest and richest histories of all sports, dating back approximately 4,000 years ago to Greece and Rome. If you love to play the game, you're not alone. According to The Bowling Foundation, more than 25 percent of Americans bowl each year, making it the nation's largest participation sport. Besides being a fun and competitive game, bowling also offers you numerous health benefits. Bowling helps you slim down by speeding up your metabolism. Although the game is restricted to a small area, your constant movement while playing helps burn excess fat. You're exercising your legs while walking back and forth between the lane and the scoring table, and working the rest of your body as you lift and swing the bowling ball down the lane. The average bowler walks approximately 6/10ths of a mile during a three-game series. Depending on your weight and amount of effort you put into the game, bowling can burn anywhere from 170 to 300 calories per game. An adult who weighs 200 pounds can burn up to 275 calories per hour while bowling, according to MayoClinic.com. Muscle Toning and Strengthening While bowling, your body and arms receive a weight-based workout. As you swing the balling ball, the repeated flexing, bending, twisting and stretching that occurs tones your shoulders, arms, chest and leg muscles. Your muscle tone, strength, balance and joint flexibility are strengthened and improved. The act of gripping the ball helps strengthen your hands. An average bowler using a ball that weighs 16 pounds swings a total of 864 pounds in a three-game series, which is more than one-third of a ton. Reduced Risk of Disease A sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading risk factors for heart disease, according to WebMD. Exercise, including bowling, lowers your risk of stroke, heart attacks, diabetes, increases bone density, improves circulation, lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and helps your body utilize oxygen better. Try to bowl once or more each week for optimum benefits. A Sport for All Ages Bowling is one of the few sports that allows you to compete at any age and become a pro. The game is enjoyed by everyone from preschoolers to senior citizens and is currently the fastest growing high school varsity sport. There's a low risk of injury, which makes it a popular game for older individuals. Many bowling alleys can accommodate those in wheelchairs and bowlers who are blind. Improved Social Life Bowling can help you make new friends. Bowling leagues and teams allow you to meet fellow players, spend time with old friends and converse between turns. Finding companionship through bowling leagues and teams can ease loneliness in the elderly and others who live alone, reducing stress and depression. Social relationships around shared interests such as bowling can strengthen the heart muscles and increase longevity.
If you have a question for WBC, we will be more than happy to answer it. Feel free to contact WBC.